Monday, June 16, 2008


KLRN auction is now in progress. The Texas Pastel Society has a number of items up for auction today June 16th. Please take a look at these items and hear a little the about the group. This is the piece I donated. It can be yours.
There are many beautiful pieces you have to see. This is a very talented group.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Texas Pastel Society
First Annual All Member Show

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Artist Weekend

Whew, I'm exhaausted. Its been a full weekend. It started at 9:30 Saturday morning. I dropped off five paintings at Coppini Academy of Fine Art for the First Annual Texas Pastel Society Show. There were so many paintings there already! Fifty to sixty pieces. Fabulous.

After that I went the the McNay to participate in the paint out associated with the reopening of the McNay. What fun! I think there we fifteen to twenty artists there Saturday. I won't name names, I'd hate to miss someone. Its always so much fun to see how everyone works. Its interesting to see everything fr0m what equipment artists carry to how artists bring a painting to completion. I did a perfectly awful painting. I always feel pressured with plein air.
Thank God for Sunday.We arrived a little after ten and got started again. I went for something simple. I needed to feel something like success. I did a bit better today.
My weekend is over. Back to the real world...laundry...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm working...

This is a picture I've been working on for a couple of days. It has a long way to go but I like the way its turning out. My husband and I took loads of photos at the botanical gardens. I couldn't wait to get started on this. The red line on the bottom portion of the picture is where I thought I might shorten the picture but now I'm not sure. I'll keep you "posted" for the finished painting.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Cathy Geib also had two pieces in the Herwicks exhibitiion.

Monday, June 2, 2008


The newly-formed Texas Pastel Society has two small exhibits currently showing. One at Maverick Library and one that just opened at Herwick's at the corner of Broadway and Third. I encourage to go check it out. I am one of seven artists with art displayed on easels. The other artists are:Mary Lopez, Laura Cardenas, Cindy Morawski, Irena Taylor, Maria Teresa Everett and Teresa Villanueva.

This is just the beginning. The Pastel Society has plans to exhibit frequently.